Sunday, October 19, 2014

You created a new system of living. I tried to understand it so hard. I walked so far away in my attempt to comply. Every time I got a new shock. I was pushed beyond boundaries, I persisted, I fell, I stood up again, and walked, and ran and tried to catch up.
Things came along. I forgot about it. I was walking, sitting, doing fine. And then you pushed me again, and I crumbled.

I prayed. I was helpless. I shouted for help. I cried in private. I tried to tell about it to people. I tried to fill my life with noise. I failed. I kept doing it for a while. I met people. They said different things. The loss became a form of thought. I looked at the same problem from different perspectives. Racked my brain. Tried to manage my emotions. I couldn't succeed.

Other folks stopped listening to me. I kept looking for someone, some second mind who can think for me. Someone who can feel what I was going through. No. I was supposed to have it all by myself. They would not understand, most of them were different. They cannot even imagine They would probably mock among themselves.

At times, I feel this much of wrong won't go unpunished. And that is the only hope and redemption I shall live with.